The conversation usually begins something like...
“I need help. I think I am pregnant.”
Or “I am looking for a pregnancy test.”
Or “I am looking for an abortion.”
These are all invitations to open a conversation with a client, her partner, and often times a friend or family member. Usually we would follow with, “Tell me more about your situation.” Or “What makes you believe that you are pregnant?” Sometimes, these are prefaced with, “We can help you….”
Pregnancy is scary when you feel all alone- especially when your partner has made it clear that he isn’t willing to stick around for a baby. Often women immediately blame themselves for not being careful enough; they feel the total weight of this situation rests on their shoulders and many times her partner, and even family and friends will offer opinions that reinforce this.
This is what makes a center like Hope First Family Resource Center, so important to a community. The center provides a place for a woman to find the truth about her situation- not only her possible pregnancy, but about the relationships that surround it. We have conversations that open up avenues that she hasn’t thought of or discovered, changing the narrative about herself that she has played in her
mind for a long time.
It provides…well, HOPE!
We are excited to get to work and offer the many services we can provide, however, we are waiting on God to show us the right facility to house this place of hope. Please continue to pray as we search for space to rent or buy.
Meanwhile…God is busy at drawing some medical professionals to pray about becoming involved with the center. We are really excited about this, even though we didn’t expect to seek out this help until we had some space…but God’s plans are not ours, neither are His
ways our ways. :)