To all of our Hope First family and friends,
We hope you had a wonderful Christmas!
It's hard to believe 2025 is just around the corner. To end this year, I wanted to send a more personal newsletter as the "face" behind the computer.
I am currently on the Board of Directors at Hope First Family Resource Center. My role has primarily been helping with our newsletters, social media, and other behind the scenes work. Having previously worked with Gigi at another pregnancy center, I was
honored to follow her as the journey to start Hope First became a reality. This journey has been such a great one to be a part of. Like anything in life, it's been one of ups and downs, good days and hard days, and lots of coffee. ;) But most importantly, I can see God's hand in and through it all. I will continue to be in awe of what He has helped us accomplish. I am also in awe of the amazing people on our board I have the privilege of working alongside. People who have put in countless hours
and tirelessly worked to get Hope First to where it is today. I will forever be thankful for the love, sacrifice, and example set by them, as well as by all of you who have supported us.
I have had the honor of meeting many of you at our open houses. If you were there, you may have also seen my 11 year old daughter who jumped in to help organize, chat with people, and fill plates with cookies. Just
the other day, my kids and I stopped by the center to drop some things off. They ran right in and immediately started talking about any new changes they noticed, looking at all the baby gear in the store, and of course checking the break room for snacks. What a priceless gift to raise my kids as I work with this amazing organization! See below for photos of them.
As the year winds down, I
recognize that there is so much to be thankful for. This time between Christmas and New Years is a chance to slow down and reflect on the past year. In 2024, we finished our building renovations, furnished and decorated the space, installed technology and training programs, trained volunteers, partnered with many churches and organizations to spread the word of Hope First, held our first official fundraiser (pickleball!), continued to finalize paperwork and requirements, and so much more. I have
been amazed at what our team has accomplished.
We are excited to share that in the past couple of months, we have started seeing clients on a limited basis. We have planned and prayed for these days for a long time. How incredible it is to be helping and serving our community! We are open limited hours, for now, as we continue to seek a Client Services Director (see below this section for more
details), train volunteers, and continue to increase our monthly funding. There is more work to be done, but we are incredibly thankful to be at this point and for how far God has brought Hope First! Throughout 2024, He has helped us accomplish great things, sustained us through obstacles we faced, and filled our hearts with joy as more people joined our team. We have a lot to praise Him for as we head into a new year.
I know that this time of year doesn't always bring joy for people. It can bring feelings of sadness and grief. The holidays can be a reminder of those we have lost or difficult situations we have faced. This reality makes me pause and think of the very people we are here to help. The people we want to walk alongside as they face difficult things in life. People who, right now as the year comes to a close, may be facing something
that feels so big and scary. They may be ending their year with fear and uncertainty, instead of happiness and celebrations. Will you stop for a moment and pray for them with me? Pray that they will have a renewed strength and joy to begin a new year. Pray that if we can help them at Hope First, they will be courageous enough to come. Pray for each individual who will walk through our doors in 2025. This is why we exist. To help those in need. To be the hands and feet of Jesus. These verses come
to mind as I think about this:
Galatians 6:2- "Carry each other’s burdens and so you will fulfill the law of Christ."
John 15:12- "This is my commandment: love each other just as I have loved you."
Thessalonians 5:11- "So continue encouraging each other and building each other up, just like you are doing already."
2 Corinthians 1:4-5- "He helps us in all our troubles, so that we are able to help others who have all kinds of troubles, using the same help that we ourselves have received from God"
Thank you for being on this journey with us. Thank you for all of your support, prayer, donations, and encouragement this year. We are so very grateful for every one of you.
Tara Gallagher
Hope First Board of Directors